It’s easy to say things, much more difficult to do them. Increasingly we have the ability to comment on the words of others. If you have time to waste have a look at the Twitter accounts of any politician followed by a mass of comments. Some valid, some not so. The question is “how many of these comments result in actions?” The answer is close to zero.
I often wonder how many people who comment on Twitter, YouTube and other social media channels also complain that they are too busy to do x, y or z. How much better would it be if they spent their time actually doing something? Actions are effective.
Criticising social media is easy, but I have been in so many meetings that are no different. Lots of talk but no action. I used to be very enthusiastic about Teams and Zoom as effective ways of holding meetings and I still believe that. However, whist they are undoubtedly efficient the same problems of effectiveness apply. Efficient talk but very often ineffective actions.
We looked at how to hold an effective meeting in my blogĀ How To Hold An Effective Meeting
It doesn’t matter where the words appear. What matters is the actions that are taken as a result. We can only judge the effectiveness by the actions.
Remember this the next time you are too busy to do the things that matter.
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