The Simplest Time Management System Ever

We have discussed in a previous blog how You Can’t Manage Time But You Can Use It Better but let’s not trouble ourselves with semantics here. This is the simplest time management system ever.

Every time you start to do something you ask yourself one simple question:

“Is this the most important thing I could currently be doing in order to move toward my objective?”

If the answer is YES then continue, if the answer is NO then stop and do something that gives you the answer YES. Simple. That’s it. The simplest time management system ever.

You should then review and ask yourself the same question every thirty minutes or so (25 minutes if you use The Pomodoro Technique – How A Tomato Can Make You More Effective )

I could end the blog here but I think a little more explanation is required.

Does this mean that you can never watch cat videos or a James Bond film ever again? The answer is no. If you feel that the most important thing you should be doing right now is relaxing and cat videos or James Bond or whatever is your thing, then no problem. Just don’t complain that you don’t have time to learn the violin or cook dinner if you watch cat videos. If you deem watching a cat video to be the most important thing for you – then do it. Different people have different priorities. If yours is a video or reality tv rather than cooking or the violin or writing a book then don’t feel bad about it.

Unless of course your objective is not served by those things. If you want to write a book, don’t watch cat videos. If you want to watch cat videos, don’t complain you don’t have time to write a book. It’s the simplest time management system ever. It’s also effective.

I hope that you believe that reading this blog is the most important thing you can do right now to move you toward your objective. If it isn’t stop reading and do something else. Writing it is certainly number one on the list for me.

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