Organisations Can’t Have Visions But People Can

We keep hearing about the vision of the organisation or the company mission statement This strange because organisations can’t have visions but people can. An inanimate organisation can’t have vision it’s only the people in it who can. The trick of a good leader is to lead people in the organisation toward the vision they have.

The problem is that too many so called leaders put together a vision statement and “communicate” that to everyone on the basis “here is the organisation’s vision, let’s get on with it.” They then wonder why people aren’t following the organisations’ vision. True leaders have the vision and can get their followers to share their vision and objectives and march towards it as one.

Don’t have a company mission statement or vision, have a personal mission and vision. That way you can lead others to share that vision and then the group can operate as if the vision is that of the organisation when it’s really the vision of the people in it. An organisation can’t inspire but individuals can.

The right people with the right vision is an unstoppable combination.

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