Minimalism And Effectiveness

Joshua Becker the writer and presenter of minimalism ideas defines minimalism as “The intentional promotion of the things we most value in life by removing anything that distracts us from it”. In this respect there is a great deal of similarity between minimalism and effectiveness.

The Ivy Lee Method we have discussed in several other blogs forces us to concentrate on those things that move us toward our goal. As an organisation or as an individual we will only move forward and achieve our goal if we intentionally remove those things that distract us from it.

If you are taking the sixty day effectiveness challenge then you will already be identifying some of those things that are causing you to deviate from achieving the ultimate goal and in the second part of the challenge (Days 30 to 60) we will look at how we begin to eliminate those.

Whilst minimalism is not an obvious way to run an organisation it has many traits which we can use or adapt and future blogs will consider these.

Leaders are responsible for pointing the organisation in the right direction and moving it toward the goal, managers are there to ensure the path is followed.

We don’t really need managers if the leaders are eliminating the distractions as the only thing that is left is what needs to be done and that’s effective.

Minimalist effectiveness. Heaven on earth!!!

If you want to look at this further we have both manufacturing and service simulations to enable everyone to be more effective then please contact us for details –

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