How To Remember Things

You know the feeling. You get this great idea or just a thought or spot this great piece of information and then a couple of hours later you can’t remember what it was or where to find it. So, how to remember things.

It is important to be able to note things down as they happen and the good news is that it has never been so easy. Just make sure that you have an easy to use and quickly accessible note taking app on your phone. Most of us are joined at the hip to our phones and so we always have them by our side. the problem with a paper notebook is that first of all it is made of paper and so not environmentally friendly, secondly you need to remember to carry it together with a pen and thirdly it is easy to lose.

I use Apple notes. I can either type or dictate the idea or copy a link and then put it quickly into an appropriate folder and add a tag. It is then automatically backed up and so even if I lose my phone or it fails I still have the note.

Make sure your note is just a quick one liner. You are not writing a novel here just a memory jogger.

Do this and you can effectively keep and then use all those ideas you have.

It really works

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