How To Make Time Management Effective

Time management is the ultimate example of maximisation of a limiting factor (much more on limiting factors in later blogs). We all have the same 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 or 366 days in a year. No matter how rich, powerful or organised you are those are facts and you can’t change them. The problem with most time management systems is that they are based on productivity or efficiency. In other words, how do we do more with the time available and how do we take less time to do each task? What we should be interested in is how to make time management more effective.

This is really a consolidation of previous blogs.

We know that to be effective we must have an effective objective or goal and in How to make goals effective we discussed this and how the Ivy Lee Method is very effective

We also know that using a traffic light system enables us to identify the essential few from the trivial many Traffic Light System and finally the use of the Pomodoro System to effectively uses blocks of time The Pomodoro Technique – How A Tomato Can Make You More Effective

As we enter a new week it is a good time to review how effective our time management system really is. For most of us reviewing our working practices on a regular basis to maintain or improve our effectiveness is essential.

Make time to review all the above today.

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