How To Make Goals Effective

Having goals is important to ensure we are moving in the right direction but how to make goals effective? That’s the question.

Goals can only be effective if there is an overall objective. Once we know the objective we can begin goal setting but how many people, businesses and organisations set goals without taking into account the ultimate objective? Often goals are set either on a short term basis or against some general unquantified objective.

In the Real Life MBA by Jack & Suzy Welch they say the alignment of goals is more important than day to day work.

The problem is that unless we consciously set time aside to align our goals to our ultimate objective day to day life takes over.

A great way of ensuring that goals are aligned and prioritised is the Ivy Lee Method. I have blogged about this before

Whatever system you use make sure that you are able to align your goals without letting day to day work get in the way,

It’s easier said than done but it is highly effective.

If you want to look at this further we have both manufacturing and service simulations to enable everyone to be more effective then please contact us for details –

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