How To Be Effective In Uncertain Times

Many will be looking at attempting to plan for the coming year but with things moving so quickly there is a temptation to fail to plan on the grounds that everything will change. What we need to do is see how to be effective in uncertain times. Uncertainty is not going away anytime soon. In fact you could say it is the new normality.

Here are five suggestions which will be helpful for both individuals and organisations:

Have An Objective.

In uncertain times, having an objective is even more important than normal. As things change around us the objective remains the same. It enables us to get back on course after whatever storm has hit us. If you want help with your objective please have a look at Using The OSKAR Method To Set Effective Objectives

Be Remarkable

We have looked at this in a previous blog Why Being Remarkable Is Effective and in uncertain times being remarkable is vital. Those individuals and organisations who are remarkable will come through traumas much better than those who are just part of the heard.

Be Flexible

During times of change those who will survive and even prosper will be those who are flexible and agile. Even during normal times things change so fast that flexibility is critical. In the situation in which we currently find ourselves being flexible is critical. The “we have always done it that way and it’s always worked” brigade are being hit really hard. The same is true of those who are “waiting it out until normal times return.” Sorry to disappoint but normal times are gone forever. It’s a bit like waiting for a horse drawn tram. They used to be the norm, then they went away and guess what – they’re not coming back!!! Stop waiting for them.

Have A Long Term Objective But A Short Term Plan

Your objective should, as we have already discussed be long term but in order to achieve it short term, rolling planning is best. I am working more and more with a system called the “Twelve Week Year” and there will be a lot more of this in future blogs. Long term plans though are just silly in the current environment. If you have your long term objective properly sorted then making short term plans that can be amended will really help you achieve it. They will also assist with the required degree of flexibility to deal with uncertain times.


There is no “s” in priority. At any time, but especially in uncertain times prioritising in terms of money, actions etc will help see you and / or your organisation through. You will know that I am always banging on about the The Ivy Lee Method – How To Have An Effective Day well, as each day goes by I find this more and more useful, as do so many of my clients.

There you are then, five thoughts on how to be effective in uncertain times. There are more and we will be looking at them over the next few weeks but these give us all plenty to be getting on with at the moment.

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