It’s an old joke. How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer, only one but the bulb really has to want to change.
This sums up the life of those of us in the effectiveness consultancy game and indeed any other form of consultancy. It is not our job to persuade people or organisations of the need to change. If they don’t realise that or don’t want to do it then they are lost and we are wasting our time and their money.
The same is true on the other side. If I don’t want to change areas in my life and my business to make them more effective then it is not the job of someone else to make me do it.
At the end of the day the responsibility is ours.
The job of the consultant is to present options, show how they might work and once the client has taken a decision to move forward assist them on their journey. An effectiveness consultant needs to be able to show how new techniques and changes to existing ones can or will assist the client toward their goal. As with any form of consultancy don’t choose a consultant who can “talk the talk” but has never and does not “walk the walk”.
If you are a consultant and the client’s real objective is the status quo because “we have always done things that way” then walk away. All the client wants is someone to blame when it all goes wrong. The “told you so” syndrome.
Be like a light bulb and want to change and then choose advisers who have actually done it and can guide you on your unique journey.
That is the way to a brighter, more effective future.
If you want to look at this further we have both manufacturing and service simulations to enable everyone to be more effective then please contact us for details –
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