There’s an old saying “time is money” but it’s not true. You see time is so much more valuable than money. If you lose money or waste it then there are loads of things you can do to earn it back. However, time is different, once it’s gone, it’s gone and even the richest person in the world cannot buy back lost or wasted time. That’s why effective people realise time is not money – it’s far more valuable.
People talk about managing time, but we have already discussed how that is not possible. I run courses on the subject of time management but that’s just because everyone thinks they understand that phrase. What we are really talking about on the courses is releasing time not managing it Releasing Time To Be Effective
On average we get around 4,000 weeks to live. Some more, some less, but even with a healthy lifestyle you can only increase that a little bit and remember, the healthiest lifestyle doesn’t stop you getting hit by the proverbial bus.
Once you understand the real nature of time then you really will want to stop wasting it and even more importantly get very emotional when other people waste your time. Don’t let them do it. It’s theft.
Maybe we would all be better off if time theft were treated as a real crime!!!
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