Increasingly we have choice. Choice in where we go on holiday, choice of what we eat, choice of what colour and spec of car we drive, choice of a gazillion tv channels but choice is the enemy of effectiveness.
Having an objective and a priority defeats the enemy of choice and is the only way to be effective. When I got up this morning in theory I had a multitude of choices as to what I could do first but because writing this blog is my priority then I could easily eliminate all the others and effectively get on with writing. I gave myself no choice and so it was easy and effective.
It’s the same with everything else. If your goal is to be healthy and to do that your priority is to lose weight then this immediately makes the reading of menus and things like shopping so much more effective. You can eliminate the vast majority of the choices presented to you as they do not move you toward your goal.
The same applies to leaders, managers and organisations. Each day we are presented with choices as to what we do next but if we have our goal and we understand it well then we can set our priority, get that done and move onto the next most important thing which becomes the new priority. Effective!!
The Ivy Lee Method of which you know I am a great fan eliminates choice and that is why it is so effective.
Make it so that you have no choice but to be effective.
If you want to look at this further we have both manufacturing and service simulations to enable everyone to be more effective then please contact us for details –
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