Effective Sustainability Means Less But Better

We constantly hear about climate change, sustainability, green issues and net zero. As a species we are very good at inventing things like electric cars, recycling procedures, wind turbines and biodegradable plastics but they all miss the point. We try and solve the problems of sustainability by creating more and…

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Why Interviews Are Not Effective

When recruiting, most organisations will rely heavily on filtering from cv’s followed by the interview possibly backed up by a series of aptitude or other psychometric tests. If this is standard practice you may well ask why interviews are not effective. Type the search “how to do well in interviews”…

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Effective People Choose Which Plates To Smash

At some point we all find ourselves trying to spin too many plates at the same time. Resource allocation is a critical requirement of effectiveness. The difference between effective people and others is that effective people choose which plates to smash. When we find ourselves in a position where we…

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Why Profitability Is The Only Way To Drive Net Zero

I’ve just finished running our Winning Margin Manufacturing Awareness course with a group of people involved largely in sustainability and net zero. During the course we introduce the option to invest for sustainability and to enable the business to move toward a net zero goal. At the end of the…

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Time Is Not Money – It’s Far More Important

How many times have you heard the phrase “time is money”? The problem is that anyone saying that does not understand the concept of time. Time is not money – it’s far more important. Time is the only thing that cannot ever, under any circumstances be replaced. Once it’s gone,…

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The Way To Sustainability & Net Zero Is Profitability

Everywhere you look there are articles, courses and seminars on the subject sustainability. Almost every business now has to have the word sustainability added to it. Sustainable manufacturing, sustainable agriculture, sustainable power and the list goes on. There are more sustainability consultants than you can shake a stick at but…

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Effective Organisations Only Have one Competitor

Nearly every business I visit worries about the competition. They are constantly working with one glance over their shoulder at the competition to see if they are cheaper, quicker, better. This is not an effective way of running any organisation. Effective organisations only have one competitor and that’s themselves. The…

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