Effective People Don’t Manage Time – They Reclaim It

We have discussed the problems with trying to manage time on several occasions in the past You Can’t Manage Time But You Can Use It Better and so we are all too aware that everyone on the planet has the same 24 hours in a day. We all spend those 24…

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How To Ensure Your Consultant Is Effective

We’ve all heard the definition of a consultant. Someone who turns up, borrows your watch, charges you a fortune to tell you the time and keeps the watch. Good consultants enable you to have the resources to buy a better watch, but they seem to be few and far between.…

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Six Ways To Effectively Free Up Time

Why are so many people so time poor? Ask anyone “how are you?” and you are more likely to get a comment on their state of time management than their state of health. Answers such as “busy”, “snowed under”, “rushed off my feet” and “drowning” are common responses. Here are…

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Five Questions To Make Your Communications Effective

Communication has never been so easy. Mobile phone, email, text, WhatsApp, Facebook, Zoom, Teams etc. etc. We move in an age where communication has never been so easy or so poor. Yes, communication – easy but not always effective. Here are five questions to make your communications more effective. The…

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