Why Work From Home Needs A Different Type Of Leader

Work from home has exposed a huge problem that has been sitting in so many organisations like a ticking time bomb for so long. That of poor management and even worse leadership. We have seen a large number of high profile organisations (you know who you are) with “leaders” and…

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How To Effectively Increase Profitability

Times are hard, for both businesses and individuals and we need to look at effectively increasing profitability or in the case of individuals income. There are many ways of doing this from increasing sales by cutting prices to cutting costs but we need to look at how to effectively increase…

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Little Things Mean A Lot

What’s the next big idea? We are constantly looking for big ideas to solve problems (especially things like climate change, lifestyle etc) and increase productivity, but little things mean a lot. The power of compounding is too often ignored in favour of quick high-profile fixes. In his book Essentialism Greg…

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Effective People Do Today What Makes Them Better Tomorrow

The problem with the constant drive for productivity and efficiency is that it leaves little or no time for future improvements. Effective people do today what makes them better tomorrow. Effective organisations do the same. The strive for short term results particularly if you are reporting to a short-sighted organisation…

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