How To Gain An Advantage Over Your Competition

A while ago we discussed why  Effective Organisations Respect Their Competitors and why getting better is the most effective way of competing. Don’t look on your competition so much as competitors and more as rivals. There will be some things they do better than you (not necessarily cheaper) and so learn…

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How To Effectively Avoid Competing On Price

If you spend any time looking at economics you will come across the concept of price makers and price takers. This is all good stuff in theory but in practice competing on price is a very dangerous thing to do. So, how to effectively avoid competing on price. Economics identifies…

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How To Be Effective Against Competition

How to be effective against competition in both our business and personal lives? Competition is the biggest worry for so many. Businesses are always worried about the competition and how to beat them. Individuals are subject to competition every time they go for a job interview or try to buy…

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